Friday, April 11, 2008

Missing Wealth Ingredient.

How often have you day-dreamed about being rich? How often have you wished you were rich? How often have those dreams and wishes come to nothing and you are still in the same financial position? Probably 98% of people that read this article will understand those questions only too well because most of us have been there. Each time you buy as lottery ticket you are dreaming of being rich; yet each time the draw is made you are still in the same financial position. Sure one lucky person does win and we hear a lot about that person. What we don t hear is stories about the many millions of people that put money into the lottery and got little, or nothing, out. We all had the same dream when we bought the ticket but only one walked away totally satisfied. Each day there are hundreds of seminars worldwide that charge thousands of dollars per ticket to show you how everybody can be rich; all you need do is follow a few simple rules. Then they spend one or two days showing exactly what you need do to become rich and how simple it is to achieve. Most of them know the system because they read it in a book just recently. There is no shortage of books available that tell you a fool proof way to become rich and live the life you dream. (Sound familiar? They all say live the life you dream ). What they don t say is that the most sure-fire way to become wealthy is to sell tickets to How to Live the Life You Dream seminars at $4,500 each. An acquaintance of ours runs such seminars and is very, very successful having had more than 30,000 people pay the exorbitant price of entry to his seminars. He works hard, he entertains well and he expounds theories that can be read in half a dozen books that cost around $20 each. One evening at a social gathering we managed to corner him and ask the question:
Of all the people that have paid to attend your seminars how many are millionaires today? (We must be fair here and state that we defined millionaires as people that could raise a million dollars cash in five working days.)
He replied: Based upon that criteria maybe one or two but, they were probably fairly wealthy when they attended. (Again, in the interest of fairness, he did add that probably a thousand people that have attended his seminars have bought property that is now valued at over a million dollars. We do not accept these people as millionaires because if you subtract what they owe, in mortgages, that million dollars gross value could be as little as $200K net value. - A Millionaire must be able to raise cash to that value within a few days or he is an asset millionaire only. There is a BIG difference.)
What we have found missing with wealth creation seminars and books and online courses in general is that most of them fail to give a vital step in the process and you can find this step at: Copyright JEM Trust 2007.
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